Am I able to save the images onto my computer?
Yes. You can save images by right clicking on the image and selecting the ‘save image’ command.
Am I able to save the movies onto my computer for personal viewing?
You can download our movies in MP4 and Windows Media formats. Simply select the file type and the quality file that you wish and click on the download icons below the player. IMPORTANT There is no need to right click / save as. Just left click on the download link and you will be prompted automatically to start the download. As a member of Tzeng Hao you have unlimited downloads.
Are the movies available to buy on DVD or VHS?
Although not all our movies are available to buy you will be able to purchase our Executive Pleasures DVD collection featuring some of our best scenes from our catalogue. You will find these in the Tzeng Hao Shop.
Our movies are 100% DRM-Free so you will have no problem in viewing our movies even after your subscription has expired. This also means that they are fully Mac compatible.
Can I watch Movies on iPhone and iPad
Yes. Our movies are fully compatible to stream and watch on iPad and iPhone.
How can I adjust the quality for streaming video?
You can change the quality for streaming video by clicking the HD button and choosing the option that best suites your internet speed, computer, or device.

How do I cancel my subscription?
If you signed up using Paypal you can cancel your subscription via the Paypal Customer Support.
I am not able to see the images in the galleries
This is very rare but can be caused by certain firewalls. Please turn off your firewall to see if this is the cause of the problem.
I am not able to sign up. I get the message “The Email or username is already taken”
We have just changed our membership system, so before you sign up you will have to login. Please use the login you have been using most recently. Once you’re logged in you will be given the option to renew by clicking on the link on the top right corner. After this the process is the same. If you are unable to login to do this, please contact us info@tzenghaogay.com
I am on a dial up connection, will I still be able to watch the movies?
Yes. We also offer movies in low quality streaming.
I am receiving a message saying that my login has been locked
In order to prevent shared or stolen logins, our security system detects usernames that are used from different computer IP addresses. If your login has been blocked it may be because of this. If you feel that the lock has occurred due to no fault of your own, please email us so that we may look into the matter. If your login is being used by other users we will have to change your login.
I am unable to signup using Paypal
Please contact us at info@tzenghaogay.com
Please use our password reset feature here http://tzenghao.ml/password-recovery Otherwise please contact us on info@tzenghaogay.com
I do not have a credit card, do you offer other methods of payment?
You can pay with your Paypal credit, sign up a Paypal account here http://www.paypal.com
I have Flash Player but still I am unable to see the movie
Please make sure you have the latest version installed. You may upgrade your player here.
My Login has been blocked after entering it several times
If you have entered an incorrect login repeatedly, our security system will have placed a temporary block on your computer. This block will only last 3 hours.
The movies sometimes stall when streaming, why does this happen?
Our streaming movies are provided in various resolutions to allow for different connection speeds. If you experience buffering or pausing you can try a lower resolution by clicking on the ‘HD’ button on the player bar. Please make sure your Internet Browser is updated to the latest version. We also suggest testing the movies on a different browser as some browsers are known to cause compatibility issues with our player, such as some versions of Safari on Mac. For Optimal viewing we recommend Google Chrome or Firefox.

The system will not accept my login
Logins are CaSe SeNsItIvE. Please make sure you enter it exactly as you did when signing up. Make sure your CAPS LOCK is not on. Please make sure you login from the Welcome Page here. Trying to login from bookmarked pages may cause problems. If you are certain that your login is correct it may be due to another reason. To check whether your subscription is active please go to the Paypal Customer Service. Your subscription may have been canceled due to a failed re-bill.
What format are the movies in?
Movies are available in MP4 and Flash Movie format. Please make sure you have the latest version of Flash installed. You may download or upgrade to this version here.
Why are some movies not available to download?
A few of our older movies and Behind the Scenes are not available in original format on DVD and therefore we were not able to convert them in wmv files.